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Forum - General Chat - Cup
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Registriert: 06.03.2005
Nationalität: Austria
Beiträge: 453

26.10.2013 00:39:10
The strangest things happen in the Cup:

This is the the team to beat in order to advance to the quarter final on page four, in which either my opponent or I will be the opponent.
Maybe its just a gift from a friend to a friend...

Not to mention several teams, which are without management since a few races.

Why not make a new rule: If a team owner has not logged in between two races and thus leaves his cup team unmanaged, gets its team replaced by a "lucky loser" or something like that, where the owner got kicked out earlier during the cup but still takes care for his team.
This rule will apply only, of course, if the "ghost ship" advanced to the next round.

Why do I think is such a rule necessary? As seen above at least one team has not been managed since four races and is still in the cup, which inevitably poses a sparring partner at a certain point.
For me, Cup should be one thrilling match after another, it hearts me to see such "ghost ships" distorting the competition.

Registriert: 06.03.2005
Nationalität: Austria
Beiträge: 453

03.11.2013 19:36:29
I so much want the signed photograph. How could I miss becoming belieber for many years?

GaKra Motors

Registriert: 02.03.2006
Nationalität: Switzerland
Beiträge: 1076

03.11.2013 18:36:22
Hey Daijhi

I really enjoyed your text. It's great to know you and your group can help Maverick to get through that whole legal jungle.
And I also like the fact that there's a lot of different approaches on how to enjoy PFRL best. I never thought about a league with a different score system but it sounds interesting, and to someone with enough imagination this game offers endless possibilities of doing something new. Another reason why it needs to be saved.

By the way, there were times when I didn't choose a league for some of my teams and let random decide. But to be honest I stopped doing that when I saw that I could end up in the Justin Bieber League.
However, if the rumours are true that next year's prize for the winner is Selena Gomez, I'm game.


Registriert: 16.03.2007
Nationalität: Germany
Beiträge: 38

03.11.2013 12:25:53
Hi Gakra....No need to apologise - I can understand Dominik's frustration at facing a stiff challenge the QF today when it might have been otherwise. But he'll win anyway of course and take the Cup yet again along with most of the other major titles...including the Justin Bieber League I see

Great to read about your group - and I understand your situation together. Our group is a little different because we have constructed a wholly seperate League Table (the Molekular League) which comprises of various direct and aggregate scores from all our activities in PFRL. Winning the Molekular League is our real objective for the season - and we collect points towards it from many other things besides the Cup of course. So Futchi (for example) might have advantaged himself in the Molekular League by dropping out of the Cup - certainly within the Molekular League there is no quarter given and we fight like hell to win it.

PFRL allows the existence of worlds within worlds - that's why we like it so much. And I think there are many other groups who think likewise.

And that is why we as a group are helping Maverick directly in the struggle over licensing. In fact one of us is currently arranging and funding private legal advice in England on the matter and I am directly involved in this.
And on that issue - Dominik - please do not have any concerns about using real driver names in the forum. (as you actually did yourself before you changed the text)It is perfectly legal for people to discuss teams and drivers using their real names and no court in England would ever uphold any action that would seek to prevent this. F1 is puting the frighteners on us because we carry no advertising revenue for their associates - but the legality of their threats and corecion is far from clear and no member olf PFRL should have any fears about participating and contributing to this site. Say NO to the Mafia - tha is always what my Mother taught me

GaKra Motors

Registriert: 02.03.2006
Nationalität: Switzerland
Beiträge: 1076

03.11.2013 02:58:49
Hey Daijhi, I think I have to apologize. Now I'm not sorry for having been wrong... actually I'm glad I was wrong... but I'm sorry for having said it. It just seemed obvious to me because of the writing style and because some players with a second account usually choose a country not closely related to F1. Now I'm positively surprised to learn there are actually F1 fans in Nepal who play this wonderful game.

Now I certainly don't want anyone to stop playing, but I think the same way as Dominik about deliberately making bad decisions to help a friend. If both of you really don't stand a chance against Dominik, it doesn't matter which one of you is his opponent. If there is in fact a chance, then it probably has to be due to crashes of Dominik's drivers. Now let's say some of these crashes happen... then maybe Futchi even has the better chances to win than you, because he doesn't have the budget to buy any elements of the expensive and unlucky team, while you can maybe buy all of these elements but one, therefore only get a few points more than Dominik, and then he can still turn the fight around with his KERS. Okay, maybe this is about as unlikely as Futchi winning against you with the choices he made, but still not impossible.
However, you didn't act against the given rules, so no offence meant.

By the way, I'm also in some sort of a group with Anita, Salzmann Markus and chrigu83. I'm happy whenever one of them gets a title, but only after I did whatever I could to avoid it with my teams. All three of them had almost won the Swiss Championships in the past, but didn't get past me all the way. So they had to try to get better, and look where they are now: Anita has two teams in the Top10 of the overall competition! Both Anita and Salzmann Markus have 4 teams in the top 10 of the Swiss National Championships while I have only 2, one of them being 10th. They had a better season than me if you count in all the teams, but nevertheless, the title would go to my team if the season was finished by now. If they can't get past me this year, they will fight even harder next year. And one day someone from my group will win the overall thing by accident.


Registriert: 06.03.2005
Nationalität: Austria
Beiträge: 453

03.11.2013 02:21:18
Please dont use original names like "W3bb3r" in the forum since the licensing dispute is not settled yet. I am writing Mark W. instead for example.


Registriert: 16.03.2007
Nationalität: Germany
Beiträge: 38

02.11.2013 21:36:46
I think you take the competition too stressfully - I guessed you would go for Red Bull so I went for Mercedes - it was the only chance for me. So it's all down to Webber - but bad luck never strikes three times in succession so I'm expecting him on the podium and you'll be safe enough....good luck tomorrow anyway.


Registriert: 06.03.2005
Nationalität: Austria
Beiträge: 453

02.11.2013 20:52:59
Well, concerning the morality of this procedures I gave my answer already but I appreciate that you explain yourself.
Indeed it would be sad for PFRL, if players leave this game. The question is, if it is therefore acceptable, if players work together and see themselves as a group?
Maybe it's just a question of mine, because the rules do not forbid such behaviour.

Back to sports:
In our duel it would be more wise if I chose a different combination. Then less outcomes could grant you a victory. Maybe I was too tired to recognize this or maybe I was (again) too much focused on the budget development.

Registriert: 16.03.2007
Nationalität: Germany
Beiträge: 38

02.11.2013 19:54:39
I can see where you are coming from Dominik but I think our type of team play is not only a part of sport in general but it is also a major part in Formula 1. (Re Kimi and Grosjean last week)

Because we all know each other personally - (in fact most of us are actually part of a National Sports team even attending official World Championships together) - we see ourselves as a team within PFRL. Therefore the success of any of us is the success of the whole team....I would have done the same as Futchi if the circumstances had been reversed.

I think PFRL needs the interest of as many people as possible and each one of us was introduced to this sport by the others. (It all started from Enzo in about 1978 actually) Not everyone wants to play PFRL as a lone player and I fear that we would lose many members if we insist that groups such as ours should not participate.
We enjoy ourselves competing against each other and as a team against all the other groups and teams that exist in PFRL. In fact I think there are probably several other groups of friends involved in this game just like us. If we insist upon a strict 'solo involvement' policy then I know that many of my friends and colleagues will simply not play anymore. And I'm sure you would be as unhappy about that as much as I would be.

As I wrote before, I think the whole issue is extremely academic as plainly you are a red hot favourite to win again as you always do...and I very much doubt if any PFRL team has ever beaten another team worth 46m more in the Cup - especially when only the richer team had Kers as well. I'm afraid Dominik it was a mathematical impossibility to beat you - unless you chose to play extremely badly which you never do. So Futchi simply chose to step out of the Cup and concentrate on winning some other leagues. Is this really so crazy or unsporting or even important????


Registriert: 06.03.2005
Nationalität: Austria
Beiträge: 453

02.11.2013 18:00:11
Your friendship must be pure love.
I am imaging Spvgg Unterhaching (a small soccer club near Bayern Munich, both displaying a sportive friendship) playing against Bayern Munich in the Champions League. Nevertheless they are two indepent clubs. Now what would Unterhaching do, if the winner of this outcome has to face Manchester United in the next round? Would it gallantly let the opponent with the theoretical better fundings (Bayern Munich) advance for free or would it raise its fighting spirit and show its fans and the world, that Unterhaching never gives up and uses every chance to achieve success which is only possible to get due to their formidable work in the past?
That is my point: Futchi did a very good job in this Cup season and has, whatever the odds are, a chance to win the Cup, if cleverness and a portion of good luck is on his side.
Now he throws the good work away to let a friend get the success. That is totally against the spirit of a competition and its against the spirit of sports in general.


Registriert: 16.03.2007
Nationalität: Germany
Beiträge: 38

02.11.2013 17:31:30
Hey Guys...

I just picked up this thread....

Just to let you know that we are a group of people in Germany and Nepal playing together in our own little competition within PFRL - Futchi, Sue, Bengel, Blitz, Monkeytron, Enzo, Silberfeil etc are all real people and not actually me. Not everyone can win the great prizes of PFRL and so we run our own little championship within the game - hence the similar format of names to identify us - surely there is nothing wrong with that???.

As the draw turned out, either I or Futchi were scheduled to meet the formidable Dominik in the Quarters (after Futchi had the amazing fortune to squeeze past No 11 seed Aston Martin in the Wildcard round) As Dominik's team is worth a staggering 169m and therefore virtually impossible to beat, Futchi thought it best if I went through to have a go at him in the Quarters as my team was worth 139m whilst his was worth only 122m....but it was rather like facing Federer at Wimbledon..both of us were doomed to go out anyway. Meeting the top surviving seed in the Quarters is just the bad luck of the draw as they say....

I don't really think this spoils the competition tho as I am sure Dominik would rather face the better placed opponent than a team without charged Kers and worth 46m less. And looking at the results today I might just have a ghost of a chance if Webber crashes out again...!!!!

BTW If anyone wants to compete in our seperate competition next season (it is a little more complex than the standard league rules) you are perfectly welcome. Just drop me a line. Then you can meet all the other players - only the Nepalis cannot write very good English so we do help them to write. (as someone noticed)
And we are very proud that our Race Series League (Kreutzberg Kids) is second only to the great HP league which wins every year. One day of course we intend to come top ourselves....

Good luck to everyone in the contest - and greetings from Kreuzberg.



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