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Forum - Feedback - Money
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Registriert: 14.03.2015
Nationalität: Denmark
Beiträge: 163

04.09.2016 17:27:05


Registriert: 10.01.2004
Nationalität: Austria
Beiträge: 1135

03.10.2016 19:11:20
Value changes 
Daijhi, you're welcome!

The finish of the Red Bull team at position 1 and 2 has increased the price of their chassis / engine by an additional Mio.

The value changes of all component types already are available on the component costs page. Just use the dropdown "SELECT" on the right top of the table.


Registriert: 16.03.2007
Nationalität: Germany
Beiträge: 38

03.10.2016 11:53:43
Value changes 
Many thanks for this add Maverick...I think it helps with driver choices considerably...

But can it also be done for engine and chassis value changes? TAG engine soared by 2 million recently which suprised me - I was expecting just a 1mil rise.....

I think it might help all players evaluate their choices with greater data....

thanks again.


Registriert: 04.02.2014
Nationalität: Germany
Beiträge: 758

23.09.2016 19:02:27
very very good job maverick. you allways have an idea to satisfy us with our "problems" :D maybe its not helpful for the vetarans, that now its easier for all to predict the costs, but nice gimmick :-) keep it up


Registriert: 10.01.2004
Nationalität: Austria
Beiträge: 1135

23.09.2016 15:42:40
@ Alan_T_Riley, @ Daijhi, @ Dominik
From now on is a prediction of the component costs available which includes the projected points (PFRL GURU calculation) for the next race:


The prediction is displayed graphically. The assigned Tooltip text contains detailed information.
Note: The prediction is based upon the projected points. The real race result will most likely be different. Drop outs are not considered. Therefore, the prediction won't be correct for some components or even a contrary outcome is possible!

I hope this solution is okay with you.

GaKra Motors

Registriert: 02.03.2006
Nationalität: Switzerland
Beiträge: 1078

22.09.2016 20:20:07
@Daijhi Sorry, I didn't mean to make it look as if YOU didn't understand the system. Your results speak for themselves, and they have done so for many years, so after what you have written I thought that you are using that formula that most others don't understand. So I just wanted to make a point that it's not necessary to understand the formula... just to know what it does... making sure that one bad race won't ruin your complete season, for example... and taking the performance over the whole season so far into account, with a somewhat heavier emphasis on the last three races.


Registriert: 06.03.2005
Nationalität: Austria
Beiträge: 453

20.09.2016 23:30:29
It's not that complicated. Just create an Excel sheet for once and use it for each season. I used those of Maverick himself after I was asking him how the points are actually calculated.

This is what I am currently using:

Maybe Maverick wants to offer this kind of Excel sheet on this page well visible to download.


Registriert: 16.03.2007
Nationalität: Germany
Beiträge: 38

20.09.2016 14:38:36
Formula clarity 
Thanks Carlisle for the explanation....

and I'm sure most of us serious players here understand the system reasonably well....

but I am not presenting a personal argument - after all I'm not doing so badly this year...

I am simply raising the issues made by the less determined players who are leaving the game in droves not because of the choice complexity - that's the feature they like about it - but because they feel that the points and valuation system doesn't make sense to them.

And however much we justify the system because WE understand it - it doesn't help us at all if we end up playing alone!

...and telling these disillusioned players that everything is simple doesn't actually help. Check out the leaving statistics.

Greetings from Berlin.

GaKra Motors

Registriert: 02.03.2006
Nationalität: Switzerland
Beiträge: 1078

19.09.2016 23:58:39
Well, I sure don't use that complicated formula to predict anything... I go to "statistics" --> "component costs" and check out how much a component's value differs from what it should cost... this year the driver with most points should cost 48, the driver with least points 6 millions. And in between there are steps of 2 millions between all drivers. Rosberg costs 53 instead of 48 at the moment and is just protected from dropping in value exactly because many people wouldn't understand why the driver with most points drops in value if he gets to the finish line of the race. Beware if he ever crashes, though...
So, better choose drivers that cost less than they actually should... especially if you think they can overtake other drivers in points in the next race and even more so if they did well in last two races. Nothing complicated about that.
But hey, I did exactly that, chose Hülkenberg in 4 teams and could forget all of them after less than 10 seconds into the race. But that's part of the game, too.


Registriert: 16.03.2007
Nationalität: Germany
Beiträge: 38

19.09.2016 11:45:46
The Money issue 

Sorry to come in on this issue but....

Most of my friends whom I introduced to this game have left precisely because of this issue. And I think hundreds of other players have left too for the same reason.

In simple truth the revaluation of components is simply too complicated for most people to immediately calculate (whatever formulas exist) and too important for most people to stand a chance against those who do understand it. The system favours the old hacks and disadvantages the newcomers....it ****s.

The stated fact that it was predictable that Hamilton would loose value if he didn't actually win was clearly understood by some old hacks but not the mass majority. Therefore the old hacks keep winning and the player numbers shrink.

And that is just one example of the value problem. I could give dozens more.

Moreover the current valuation, points and budget system seriously affects the degree of choice (and therefore enjoyment) that each players has. Some elements are so ridiculously overpriced that no one uses them and some are so expensive that only the old hacks (who know the complex formulas) can actually afford them.

I wrote last year on the issue with suggested improvements but no one takes it seriously. Unless we make valuations and point scoring entirely simple and transparent to the ordinary player there will a gradual fall off in this otherwise wonderful game....and eventually it will just consist of the hacks.

About 55% of player numbers have been lost since 2008. There were 872 contestants in the Constructors league at the British Grand Prix that year. This year there were just 394 of which just about 210 are actually playing.

And I believe it is incomprehension of illogical points scoring and complex valuation adjustments that
drives most people away. They simply feel that the game is cooked to keep the old guard always winning. Such a pity.

GaKra Motors

Registriert: 02.03.2006
Nationalität: Switzerland
Beiträge: 1078

04.09.2016 19:54:09
The formula is difficult to understand indeed, but changes in budget are done consistently. Basically we can say that the race winner's value will increase a million at least, whoever isn't classified will lose a million at least and all the other drivers are judged by their success in the course of the whole season, with a stronger emphasis on the last three races.
Hamilton for instance has less points than Rosberg in this game, so he should have been made cheaper by the system before, but since he won so many races, his value raised instead. So now that he didn't win, the system took the opportunity for a slight correction. If Hamilton won't win the next race, his value might drop some more, just so you know.
Kvyat is still more expensive than Alonso and Button because he has been way more expensive than them in the beginning, but his value is dropping like crazy. He's the only driver who lost 2 millions, and not for the first time. And he will keep on sinking after next races, nothing to worry about.

Value of chassis is not calculated in relation with the respective drivers but in relation with other chassis' performances.
I expected Grosjean to rise in value because he is too cheap in relation to the points he got all season. In case of Gutierrez, I was surprised about the rise, too, but then I didn't expect he would overtake in points a driver named... Kvyat.


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