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Forum - Feedback - Felipe Nasr Race 4 price
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Registriert: 26.02.2013
Nationalität: United Kingdom
Beiträge: 3

14.04.2015 14:22:07
  Felipe Nasr Race 4 price
It's a joke that Nasr's price has been put up, and instead of me gaining the extra "mio" if i wish to trade him in for another racer, I'm being punished by being -13mio for the next race. It's not my fault the person who gave out the original price for this driver hadn't done his research, if he/she had like I did they would have seen in the pre-season practice that A) Nasr was a good driver and B) the Sauber is pretty quick! Not my fault you over priced Alonso and Button, again everyone knew the McLaren was CRAP!

change my team value back so that I'm no longer in negative mio or I'm off. Absolute joke


Registriert: 10.01.2004
Nationalität: Austria
Beiträge: 1134

22.04.2015 19:12:08
Automated team changes 
Excerpt of the rules:

3.2.4. Extraordinary adjustment of costs

The component costs are adjusted without a modification of the total team budget values. The cash balance of the teams are altered accordingly. This can lead to a negative cash balance.

The team owners have to adjust their teams to get a cash balance >=0. The negative cash balances are cleared automatically by PFRL.net after the database closing time.

Steven Mitchell

Registriert: 14.03.2014
Nationalität: United Kingdom
Beiträge: 2

22.04.2015 17:37:39
shocking decision by the game 
shocking , picking my team for me. how to close the account ............


Registriert: 08.03.2006
Nationalität: USA
Beiträge: 33

18.04.2015 13:01:15
"-20 million in my team , normally you would gain and not lose when making good decisions. If i leave my team as it is and not bother doing the qualy and fastest laps,will i still get the points? Tempted just to leave this now poor decision from the game."

You did likely gain. Look at your teams' total budget compared to Race 3. My teams had -20 balances too, but what matters is that their total budgets went up 8 points from the normal budget adjustments (9 in one case). You just have to find good value with a different mix of components.

If you leave a negative budget balance on your teams when the database closes, the system will make component changes for you to get your teams compliant.


Registriert: 19.03.2009
Nationalität: USA
Beiträge: 176

18.04.2015 11:02:18
Surprised the Nasr/Sauber revaluations got so many people irked. Yes, there's a change required to make teams compliant (all five of my teams need changes, but I'll deal with that and am fine with it), but I don't really see it as a punishment. Even AFTER the change, the underlying budget will probably be better than those that didn't pick Nasr, so those teams DO still have an advantage, just not as big as they'd have perhaps hoped.

I'm all for people gaining some benefit from making the right choices, but to gain an extra +15m from the revaluation of Nasr, for example, would be insane and anyone that thinks they deserve that kind of benefit is out of their mind.

To those complaining they can only now select Manor drivers (huw), try thinking a bit more. You've got 5 changes that can be made, so ditch that Mercedes chassis/other high-priced part to balance things. At the end of it all, you have a budget that's similar to those around you still, so you're not at a disadvantage, and probably have a slight edge as a result of your earlier choices.

ALSO, Nate, if you read the rules around value increases, you'd know what was possibly coming and that you'd have to deal with it. You won't get that budget back so you're left with either following through with your threat or getting your head down and moving on like the majority will.

As for 'solutions', here's a few for future seasons....
- Don't do the extraordinary value adjustments. Let the values increase 'naturally' over time, to let people benefit from the race by race value increases. That way, over time, those that make the right choices will benefit in full and those that pick over-valued parts will take the hit. Looking back, it would have made 2009 Brawn-heavy through the year, but besides that one season, I think the others would have been fine. Maybe save the revaluations for REALLY exceptional circumstances.
- If the above causes components to get to their 'fair' value too slowly, consider adjusting the formula that drives increases/decreases.
- I'm hearing a lot of people complaining in posts of late that they can't select a 'decent' team. At the start of the season, teams are pretty mediocre as far as who you can fit in your team for 80 mio goes. How about increasing the starting budget?

Steven Mitchell

Registriert: 14.03.2014
Nationalität: United Kingdom
Beiträge: 2

18.04.2015 10:58:28
Felipe Nasr Race 4 price 
-20 million in my team , normally you would gain and not lose when making good decisions. If i leave my team as it is and not bother doing the qualy and fastest laps,will i still get the points? Tempted just to leave this now poor decision from the game.


Registriert: 08.03.2006
Nationalität: USA
Beiträge: 33

18.04.2015 06:30:03
"By the same logic.... If some had Button or Alonso in Race 3 and had paid 30-40 mio for them, will they now have extra mio to spend because button and alonso are now 18 mio?"

They'd likely have less total budget than someone who had Nasr. Both Button and Alonso had "normal" cost decreases after Race 3 that subtracted from the budgets of any teams that held them. The extraordinary adjustment of costs doesn't affect the total team budget, and that (the TOTAL budget, not the balance) is what matters.


Registriert: 04.02.2014
Nationalität: Germany
Beiträge: 758

17.04.2015 23:28:07
nobody was screwed up. read the last postings if you want to understand it. by the way, i see i have to explain, that you can change your team!! ;D with a look at your profile, i have to say, we need a hall of fame for player like you, 10 years playing without at least one top20-ranking. how is this possible? but its real pity for every going player. i hope most of the player will try to play with the new value-order, try to achieve some successes. it will be fun.


Registriert: 09.03.2005
Nationalität: United Kingdom
Beiträge: 2

17.04.2015 22:43:19
screwed again 
you screwed me over a few years ago when team brawn got price hiked, just because i had the good sense to wait and see the testing results, now you do Nasr up because he is good, well sod you.



Registriert: 04.02.2014
Nationalität: Serbia
Beiträge: 9

16.04.2015 21:15:48
There is no need to be unhappy, the game is fat like it is Like Mav said it's exciting, highly challenging and extreme complex (btw thx2Mav for this game which made f1 for me more interesting again). I think the rule is necessary to keep it up like that. If someone wants to play a pure tip game he should do that, this is not a tiping game it's a managing game which you have to manage even if the conditions change with the resources you have. It's fair because it affects all players the same way. Yes i really have fun with it


Registriert: 16.03.2007
Nationalität: Germany
Beiträge: 38

16.04.2015 15:01:04
Solution to this issue 

This thread really underlines the 'problem' I mentioned in the previous thread.

Like some of the postings here my friends are really exasperated with the new costing system and the complete destruction of team values are race 3.

And some of the revaluations seem completely illogical - whatever formula has been used to calculate them.

Besides the Nasr issue detailed here I find the Riccardo valuation equally mystifying. At the moment Red Bull is having a real struggle to be in the top 10 let alone the top 3 - and yet Riccardo with 68 points is still valued at 4m higher than Vettel with 95 points. Under the posted rules he could have been devalued as Alonso and Button were. But he wasn't.

This is the sort of nonsense that is driving intelligent and dedicated players away from the game - and there are several other mystifying valuations and point scores that add to this pressure.

Maverick has called for suggestions to solve the issue in this thread and I draw attention to the previous thread 'We have a Problem' that details very clearly a simple solution that would prevent much of the unhappiness being felt at the moment.
It is easy to understand, logical to apply and entirely fair in its application. I commend it to your attention.

I know that many players were unhappy in 2013 that Dominik was winning so much so often under the old 'unlimited budget increase' system. But we all had the same chance as him to get it right and he just proved himself to be the best player. Now the whole show seems like a lottery of whether one can correctly guess the bizarre valuation changes or not by throwing a dice. I just want the best players to win and if it is Dominik every year then I say good luck to him. Well done.


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